Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Our Country is Pretty Sick this Morning How About You?

Root Problems Behind America's Fall

Because you say, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and know not that you art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked' (Revelation 3:17).

Lies Defending the Benefits of Our Enemies in his June 4th Cairo Speech: As a student of history, I also know civilization's debt to Islam. It was Islam - at places like Al-Azhar University - that carried the light of learning through so many centuries, paving the way for Europe's Renaissance and Enlightenment. Ref: no student of history would make a statement like that. It is true Islam is associated with major breaks in the Age of Enlightenment but only as an extremely negative one.

Reality Check 1: It was Islam’s violent attack of Turkey and slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians that forced Christianiy west with the most ancient Greek New Testaments. Suddenly there in western Europe there was a thirst for common people to learn Greek so they could for the first time understand Jesus’ words. It was this same era that invented moveable type and suddenly cheap books were available for a new mass audience. What was the demand for books like in those early days? Historians say common people who wanted to study their Bibles for the first time in various western languages. This fact changed the world forever. Colleges and universities sprung up to teach Greek, Latin and the ability to translate core materials into various western tongues. Of course not everyone was equally happy. Not everyone wanted a freedom and liberty to read their Bibles in common language. Many passed laws demanding loyalty to old Latin Bibles. Many who hated liberty and thinking by people who were not ordained priests saw this as Satan moving into church.

Reality Check 2: it was the violent move west by growing Islam that for the first time in history closed old Roman roads available for centuries. Rich caravans that for centuries linked China and India with Europe were suddenly stopped by greedy Islamic leaders. Spices, gunpowder, noodles, and silk could only be purchased by people rich enough to pay Islamic leaders bribes. Suddenly cheap goods were ten times more expensive. This caused a strange demand among a few sailor’s to advocate expensive trips of exploration looking for a westward routes to India and China. One of those brave explorers was Columbus.

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